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  Iran confiscates Buddha statues from shops

  作者:一休宗纯 发布日期:2013-02-19 浏览:加载...


  在伊朗的德黑兰,佛像和芭比娃娃及美国动画片“辛普森一家”在这个保守的穆斯林国家被列为禁止的项目。 在伊朗首都德黑兰的商店里当局没收了佛像,停止在全国推广佛教,根据一份报告这是在星期日实施的。



  原创翻译:龙腾网 翻译:一休宗纯 转载请注明出处


  TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Buddha statues have joined Barbie dolls and characters from "The Simpsons" TV cartoon as banned items in the conservative Muslim nation.

  Authorities are confiscating Buddha statues from shops in the Iranian capital, Tehran, to stop the promotion of Buddhism in the country, according to a report Sunday in the independent Arman daily.

  Iran has long fought against items, such as Barbie toys, to defuse Western influence, but this appears to be the first time that Iranian authorities are showing an opposition to symbols from the East.

  The newspaper quoted Saeed Jaberi Ansari, an official for the protection of Iran's cultural heritage, as calling the Buddha statues symbols of "cultural invasion." He said authorities will not permit a specific belief to be promoted through such items. Ansari did not say how many Buddhas had been seized, but that the "cleansing" would continue.

  Some Iranians buy Buddha's statues to decorate their homes and cars. Most are made in China and come from Iranian free-trade zones in the Persian Gulf.







  "As I understand, none of customers cared about Buddhism, they only bought it for decoration," said Reza Sanaei, a shopkeeper who sells the statues.

  A customer, Marjan Arbabi, said she personally did not like the statues. "But my parents have set of five Buddah's statues at their home simply because they think the statues are beautiful," she said.



  Under the constitution, Christian and Jewish beliefs as well as Zoroastrianism are recognized beside Islam, the official religion of the country. The law, however, says that, in general, the rights of all non-Muslims should be observed.

  Some Islamists do not support production of any statue, since they view it as a way to promote idols.

  In 2010, several statues depicted prominent Iranians, disappeared from Tehran city's streets and squares. Their disappearance was blamed on an unnamed group with a strict interpretation of Islam that bans the depiction of the human form in art.










  (译注2:“真主,除他外绝无应受崇拜的;他是永生不灭的,是维护万物的;瞌睡不能侵犯他,睡眠不能克服他;天地万物都是他的;不经他的许可,谁能在他那里替人说情呢?他知道他们面前的事,和他们身后的事;除他所启示的外,他们绝不能窥测他的玄妙;他的知觉,包罗天地。天地的维持,不能使他疲倦。他确是至尊的,确是至大的。 ”《古兰经》2:255)




  原创翻译:龙腾网 翻译:一休宗纯 转载请注明出处


  Buddha? Well, we certainly can't have any symbols of peace, tranquility and higher awareness. That would destroy us all.


  You know you are a pretty insecure government when you are afraid of Bart and Homer Simpson.

  你知道当你害怕巴特和荷马辛普森时,你就是一个非常不安的政府。 注:辛普森家族动画片中的人物

  If your Barbie doll wears burka is that ok? Or you maybe you could get the Barbie and Ken set. Of course you'd have to get multiple Barbies for one Ken, and Ken would have to have a spring in his arm so he could stone Barbie if she becomes insolent. Maybe I'm over thinking this, disregard.


  Just one more example of hypocritical Muslims showing their intolerance for other cultures and beliefs, all the while they expect the rest of the world to accommodate them.


  Isn't it a shame that Islam is such a fragile religion that the mere sight of Buddhist statues, Bibles or Barbie Dolls serve to threaten it's very existence? ^_~

  这难道不是一种耻辱吗?伊斯兰教是一种脆弱的宗教,人们只要一看到佛像,“圣经”或芭比娃娃就能够威胁它的生存吗? ^ _?

  A positive sign the regime is crumbling. Maybe the next revolution will finally bring freedom to the people.


  Too bad we can't secretly steer asteroids and avoid the politics..


  Buddha's are a no-no but its ok to have 10lb. C-4 suicide vests.


  ahhh the religion of peace....one piece over there....another piece over there....

  AHHH和平的宗教。......那边那边......有炸成一块一块的.... -- 大概是吐槽自杀式袭击?

  Oh yes, Islam is just so "tolerant" of other religions and people. So much so, that they go out of their way to censor, vilify, and condemn other religions. That is, when they are not busy bombing those people while screaming "Allah Snackbar"


标签: 英苏入侵伊朗
